Monday, October 3, 2011


Remember when we decided to tear up our yard five days before HGTV came so we could fix our basement flooding/drainage problem once and for all? 

And remember when we didn't finish? And it was a pile of mud spruced up with some impatiens (lipstick on a pig, really) for the shooting of the show? 

Well, it took the show finally airing five months later to actually finish this project.

Which means it sat as a mud pit, and then the most beautiful weed patch you've ever seen through the entire summer.

Greg finally finished it this weekend.

Crazy styrofoam peanut wrapped pipe in the ground.

Everything covered up and lovely.

Oh, and taking a ride in the "dump truck."

So the health of our house is that much more secure. At least it is for the next ten days, as there isn't a raindrop in sight in the forecast. 

But oh a dry basement will be so nice!

The grand total of said project, start to finish, was around $1300 with pipe purchase and rental equipment (including two different bobcats/ditch witches and one dumpster). Considering we were quoted $10k-$13k, I'd say we kept the health of our bank account in check! 

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