And they are here.
Three camera people are currently taking "before" shots in all parts of my bedroom. These people will be best friends by Wednesday--how can they not be? They are in my bedroom.
The longevity of my current bathroom and bedroom is short. Its days are numbered, and by numbered I mean tomorrow at 8 a.m., it will not exist in its current state anymore.
We weren't able to completely fix the front yard. The pipe we need to install to improve the drainage wasn't available on an ASAP-yesterday-would-have-been-better basis. So Greg redistributed the mud, we gussied her up with some flowers, and she didn't turn out half bad.
And I can honestly say, I am beyond excited. Seriously. Bring the house of 30 contractors and camera people and supermodels. I can't wait to see what it will all look like, and that part is only three days away! Teaching my patience to have some longevity...!
Keep us posted on ALL the inside details!!