Thursday, October 27, 2011


I've spent a lot of time blogging this month about finding a healthy balance.

Truly, I thought I hit pay dirt in the working-mom-still-time-for-self balance. 

But when you try to do it all, you end up neglecting something. It may not be apparent immediately, but it eventually comes around, as it did for me today.

Turns out I mastered the working-still-time-for-self-balance. 

My mom role has plunged faster than the Dow.

Cue guilt and tears.

The last three weeks of working late at the day job, running to teach an evening class, and spending the bits of time left at the gym trying to maintain some sort of physique, followed by rushing home, slurping dinner and heading to bed (and ushering Will from here to there and back again), well, it's not balance.

And as I rushed yesterday to get home, make dinner, welcome the sitter and head off to class again, all while Will pleaded with me to "Sit down, mama!" I should've seen today's conversation coming.

I went to pick up Will this afternoon. His teacher greeted me at the door with, "Is there something going on at home? Will hasn't had a very good week."

My heart fell.

"He's been hitting, pushing, throwing toys, and in general acting out. Time outs don't seem to be working," she continued, "So I decided today maybe he just needs some extra love--some extra cuddles." 

My teacher thinking immediately flashed to kids who crave any kind of attention--good or bad--when they aren't getting enough at home. 

I don't think my heart could have fallen any further. Mom fail.

Lucky for me his teacher is an incredibly kind, caring woman, with four kids of her own, and she was very quick to say it could be anything. 

So we got into the car. I called Greg and left a teary voicemail about how we had to skip the gym, and basically change our approach to how we've been living life.

And maybe it's not just cutting back on gym time--maybe it's cutting back on life, on refocusing our priorities.

What it is for sure, is continuing to find that healthy balance. 

Need to rent I Don't Know How She Does It. Stat.

1 comment:

  1. More and more everyday I am becoming convinced that the only healthy balance I need during this season is MORE time with my man and my boys. Me time is currently out the window because I can't do it all..... I work way too much but then again those boys don't have enough attention!!! It is a horrible cycle so I worry about what I have control over..... my home and those in it!
    We all struggle with this sweet friend. Be thankful you are listening to your soul and making adjustments!
