Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Things that make me uncomfortable:

  • When Tosh.O starts off with not one, but two vomit clips. I can't watch vomit period. Thanks for the inundation.
  • Knowing that I haven't laid out a single page in the CMS yearbook. And it's due in a month. 
  • Imagining the pain that a girl in my class tonight suffered when a few years ago she had bunion surgery on both feet at the same freaking time, and now has metal rods in both feet.
  • The stash of Reese's Cups in my desk drawer thanks to my friend on maternity leave. They call my name, and jump into my mouth, and I have no willpower.
  • The obsessive talk about Justin Bieber among people my own age and older. Really? Really? 
  • Watching poker tournaments on TV. It makes me restless, and after 30 seconds I want to take forks to my eyeballs. The only thing worse is...boxing. Yeah I don't know how you can compare the two either. 
  • Will clinging to my leg and screaming, "Mama! Mama! Mama!" as I walk away from him to teach a yoga class. You try to uplift and inspire people after that!
  • Talking to people when I know I have coffee breath. I'll do everything possible to not exhale my sentence onto them, cover my mouth, and back away slowly. 
Ok. Let's end on a positive. 

My French I kids turned in some kick a** projects earlier this week. Some teachers might be uncomfortable having their students create the rubric and requirements for a project, but these kids blew me away. They decided to build into the rubric an "epic factor." For 5 possible points, the project and presentation needed to wow the class. 

I had kids talk about the Winter Carnaval in Quebec with an ice castle replica and painted winter sky backdrop, all while bundled up like Eskimos.

I had kids talk about maple syrup by serving everyone shaved ice and syrup, with facts on the spoons and each student read their fact.

I had kids build a model of a summer festival in Quebec.

I had a stage with the Black Eyed Peas made out of modeling clay, complete with flashing stage lights and music!

Totally epic. Totally comfortable doing this again with my kids.
(P.S. the project was over events, places, people, things in French-speaking Canada.)