Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I feel as though this is the week of bad news. People I know and love are being inundated with worry and sadness. I shall take all of your minds off the ick and yuck with the reason why going to Target makes me squirm these days. 

My son, bless his heart, has a rapidly growing vocabulary. 

The words, however, are a bit...unrefined...

We are at Target. He stands up in the cart. We say "Sit down please." And he repeats, at volumes far too loud, "Shit!" Heads whip around, and 20 eyes stare at us and wonder why our toddler just declared merde in Target.

We pass the cat food. Oh does he love kitties. It used to be he yelled "Tee!" (short for "kitty") but we've evolved into the delightful "Titties!" He yells it over and over again. "Titties! Titties! Titties!" Yes buddy, that's a...kitty. We've even taken to meowing so that people realize he's talking about cats and not boobs, but then it sounds like we're being naughty kittens in the bedroom and oy...it's all downhill from there.

He's so joyous in his yelling of words inappropriate for public places. I suppose it makes it slightly more bearable. But without a doubt, I am slightly embarassed.

It would have been cooler for me to take a video of him saying these words. Instead, I leave you with video of him throwing a little latin flavor into his dancing à la Spanish Buzz Light Year at the end of Toy Story 3. Forget the saying, "It's all in your hips!" Will teaches you it's all in your arms. Maybe even ears. Spanish flare. 

Smile. :o)


  1. Oh sweet friend. Lucas loves clocks and by clock and I mean anything that is a circle on the wall 'up high' that slightly resembles a clock. And he joyously squeals at the top of his lungs, once even in the middle of communion... "COCK!! COCK!!! COCK!!!

  2. Natalie this is hilarious!!! Oh Lucas--find the "L" sound--sooooon! ;o)
