Sunday, February 13, 2011


My dad and I just shared a bottle of wine, so let's hope there aren't too many typos in tonight's post. :o)

Hellooooooooo beautiful, sunny, above 50 degree weather! 

Not only was today's long run comfortably warm (without earmuffs and mittens and extra layers), people started to emerge from their winter cocoons! There were so many people out walking and running and riding bikes. I think I even saw a little skip in everyone's step, including mine!

I saw my neighbors for the first time in 4 months. Will and I hopped on one of their go-carts for a spin in the sunshine (can't help but keep January's fun intention going). :o)

Even better: last time we saw our neighbor across the street she had been given 6 months to live (cancer). Turns out her chemo treatments worked beyond what her doctors originally thought and she has essentially been given years to live. 

Comfortably warm and pleasant sunshine: please bring your warmth and good energy back to us for awhile. Your splendor is addicting. :o)


  1. I think it's wonderful and a blessing that your neighbor is doing well and has a second chance at life.

    I just wanted to let you know that you have influenced me to make a 'life cleanse' in a certain area of my life. Things have been going so well with everything else, but there is one person that has been 'poisoning' things that were going well. They have made me push away other people that were the best possible people in my life, and I missed out on for some time. So now, that I have 'cleansed' this part of my life, it's time to fill my life again, and I'm glad that the people that I love and pushed away or isolated myself from are back in my life that I have dearly missed.

    So I just wanted to thank you for being's always a refreshing to read your blog when I get a chance. :)

  2. Congratulations on getting rid of what you don't need. It really can be so difficult, so what an accomplishment! I hope all things good come rushing back in. :o)
