Saturday, February 12, 2011


This uncomfortable blog post became apparent at 9:00 this morning.

When Greg and I adopted our first lab, Cooper, 7 years ago, I initially wanted to give him back. 

The amount of dog hair on the floors...on the every nook and cranny of our tiny townhouse made me insanely uncomfortable.

Yes, that was the only reason.

Three dogs later...I guess you could say I've accepted the dog hair factor.

Only now, I also have what is essentially an 18 month old puppy. Who talks.

Will makes ENORMOUS messes. For fun. And it's not the kind of mess I've become all that comfortable with yet. 

Before we had kids, there was a paper towel commercial where the kid spills an entire gallon of milk on the kitchen floor, and the mom laughs and says, "That's OK! Let me get the Bounty!" and I looked at Greg and said, "That will be me! It's just a mess! Messes are cleanable!"  

He swore he'd remind me of this fact, and he has.

Especially yesterday. When Will discovered he could turn his sippy cup upside down and sprinkle milk, as though the hardwood floors needed watering. 

And then this morning at breakfast, when feeding himself applesauce was really just a "How much can I dump out and then put on the papertowel or my shirt" game.

Here's the bright side (always a bright side): This kid LOVES to Swiffer. That's a cleaning skill (that also picks up dog hair) I can be comfortable with.

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