Friday, July 8, 2011


I was going to write another post about my adventures with William tonight, but decided to spare you, my readers, with our explorations with an inchworm and picking out our own outfits.

Instead, I'm going to be brief. 

I taught a class this morning as a sub for our studio owner. I always feel honored when I sub her classes--after all, she owns the place. 

I know that the class is special to her, and it's always filled with the most beautiful energy. 

And I taught my heart out. 

They reciprocated. 

Everything I gave them, they gave back, and I left as filled up and rich as they were. 

Just a perk, I suppose. And such a beautiful way to start this sunshine-filled weekend.

I hope that you, sweet reader, surround yourself with the same energy-gratifying folks this weekend as I had the honor of being around today. 

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