Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I am so in love with this song and its lyrics.

So during 5:00 dance party at my house tonight, when Will turned on the radio and this song came on, I danced extra goofy. 

I've posted One Republic's Good Life right here. Go to 2:25 and listen closely. Maybe skip to the end and hear the last line.

Tonight, as I express gratitude for all that I have, I know that this isn't my wealth in its entirety.

Sometimes wealth is what we don't have; sometimes, it's all of our favorite memories and good experiences right along side the events in our life we'd rather forget. Sometimes wealth is the people, places, circumstances and belongings we're holding, and sometimes being wealthy is letting them go. 

All together, that makes for a good, good life.

Now, go be creative and inspired and enter this month's giveaway. And see my disclaimer about it all in the comments section. 

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