Sunday, July 3, 2011


When I was in Spain, and it was nearly midnight, and I was still enjoying a leisurely meal under the stars with this for a view,

I fell madly in love (all over again) with the Spanish lifestyle (shhhh, don't tell France!). I was crazy for the slower pace, the relaxed meals, the enjoying of wine and conversation and simple food. 

And then this weekend, with our American family traditions, like picking five pounds of blueberries,

and having cookouts with family and friends, and sweating it out at the balloon glow,

with Neil Diamond's "Coming to America" blaring as the fireworks filled the sky, I am reminded why I love my home, too. 

I think what it boils down to is being in love with the moment you're in. That's what being present is all about. That's what makes me feel rich.

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