Friday, January 28, 2011


This afternoon started a non-stop busy weekend, that apparently I will spend tripping over. 

I decided to get my long run out of the way early. Um. Cold. As I crossed the street at one point, I did this:
Only it was far more scary than this cartoon portrays. My toe actually hurt from the stub I made. And what caused it? A veterinary office advertising flu shots, and in fine print "for dogs only." Damn fine print. I almost road burned my entire face! If your dog doesn't leave your neighborhood, does he really need a flu shot? I was perplexed and then flabbergasted as I added up how much pet flu shots would cost at our house...or our friends who have 7 dogs. Oy. 

Regardless, it was fun...because I did it. And I wasn't bored. Or exhausted. In fact, it reminded me of the training runs I used to do with my super power running friend Robin (who now does Ultra Marathons). There was no singing aloud of Barenaked Ladies songs, but there was joy in my heart. :o)

I came home, and prepped myself to cook one of my favorite meals for a special dinner guest. After a few margaritas, I nearly tripped over this and knocked my teeth out in our (soon-to-be-remodeled) bathroom:

If Will doesn't make it as an enginerd, he has a future in housekeeping. The kid can Swiffer for hours. If only he could put it away as easily as he gets it out...

And as our little dinner party with our special guest came to an end, I nearly tripped due to misty eyes as I snapped this shot.
What a lovely evening Will had with his Grandad. 

It is always a special treat for me when I get to cook for the man who taught me to love cooking. Fun Grade: A+


  1. Oh my....your baby is becoming a boy!!! I am glad you got your margaritas in even though we weren't together...soon...soon!!!
