Sunday, January 23, 2011


What I was looking forward to today proved to be not as fun as I'd anticipated. 

Again, it's okay. Remember: I set the intention, but it doesn't always need to come to fruition. 

Sundays have become my long run days. Sans Greg, it isn't the same (good news: he'll be returning to training in about a month). I have a terrific training buddy, however, in my cousin Brandon. He ran a few 5Ks with us last summer, and completed the Thanksgiving Day run with us as well. The stories are great, as is talking about the food we are going to eat after. :o) And then eating that food is the best!

The run was breathtakingly beautiful--snow covered trails, sun shining, the whole world bright. But running in snow is...cold. I was plenty warm, it was just...cold. In my little running world, cold=not as fun. 

So to warm up this afternoon, Greg and I set our very whiny and napless child in front of Toy Story in his playroom, we built a fire in the living room and settled in. I got to enjoy a few of my favorite things:

Thing 1 & 2: 

Sunlight streaming through a window and hot chocolate in a fun mug. There's something about sunlight pouring into a room that makes me want to stand in the window, look out on the world, and pretend I'm in a Folger's commercial. Sigh. 

But it was 4 in the afternoon, and I didn't need Folger's, so instead I sat in that sunlight with my mug of cocoa, and hopped on to my very favorite website, etsy, where I proceeded to buy some fun little accessory items that would invoke the phrase, "Think Spring!" I look forward to them arriving on my doorstep by the end of the week, and then incorporating them into my wardrobe immediately. Ever noticed how it's a bit easier to wake up for work when you have something new to wear? That should make next week extra easy then! And the bright colors will warm things up. In theory.

So what do you have going on this week that's fun? Have a new outfit to wear? Trying out a new recipe? Going to your favorite workout class? Having dinner with a friend? Traveling someplace cool? Hopefully there is something to look forward to. Feel free to share here! We can all use the inspiration this time of year. 

Happy Monday! Think warm! 


  1. Okay fun friend I will bite....I spent yesterday booking spring break trip and anniversary trip....Marco Island for the fam and Marriott resort in Key West for the hubs and me....not really "fun" this week but "fun" to look forward to!
    See you sometime during the week!

  2. pack me in your key west suitcase? pretty please? ;o) vacations are the PERFECT thing to look forward to! yay!
