Thursday, January 20, 2011


Another fun snow day. Here are the fun games we played.

  • Game 1. How much snow needs to be on the ground before school is cancelled across a city? None.
  • Game 2. How long does it take mommy to eat a bowl of Peaches 'n Cream microwavable oatmeal? As long as it takes to offer up 5 different breakfast choices to a toddler, pick one, whine about it, pick another, whine about it, want to read a book, pick another, whine about it, want to read a different book, want to watch toystoy (Toy Story) and then settle for a second cup of milk. 
  • Game 3. How many times can I pass the lady in the gray shirt on the track? 3. How many times did the man in the purple shirt pass me? 7.
  • Game 4. How many Venti bar drinks can a person in front of you order at Starbucks at one time? Ten. How many eye rolls did the barista give me? 4. 
  • Game 5. Let's look for mommy's keys. Yes, mommy's keys. No, not kitty. Keys. Do you know where they are? No? Can you help me look for them? No? Yes, that's Kitty, but where are mommy's only set of really expensive to replace keys?
  • Game 6. How patient and loving are our dogs? Patient enough to let a toddler stand on their heads to reach the glass of red wine on the table. 
And cheers to all of that.

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