Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I walked into the house tonight post-yoga teaching and burst into tears. 

Greg hugged me. I explained my tears. 

"It's amazing to me how these blog topics literally fall into your lap," he said.

They were happy tears (I don't think I can say "tears of joy" in one more September blog post. Ugh). Here's why they were happy.

I started teaching tonight to a lovely group of women when one of my most favorite walked through the doors. 

Luna and I did our teacher training together. She happens to be the most happy, beautiful, beaming light, soul, person--inside and out.

She also has this voice, and she has CDs of her music, and she came tonight. To surprise me. To sing during savasana.

After class I hugged her, we caught up, I grabbed her new CD and I couldn't get it open fast enough and into the CD player in my car. 

I floated all the way home. I already knew the songs. I sang along, and just as I had instructed my students to do tonight, I filled up--on love and joy and all the good stuff in life. 

So when I walked in the door, those hormones, for once, provided me with some happy tears. 

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