Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Will had his first day at "school" today and I haven't felt quite this lucky (grateful) in a long time.

After being less than thrilled with his situation the last two years, I was so glad when this sweet lady was recommended to me by two different people. 

And she had an opening.

Today, he didn't watch TV for eight hours. In fact, the TV didn't even go on once.

He had pancakes for breakfast, and chicken, oranges and cucumbers for lunch. He played outside for an hour--with sunscreen applied--and painted with foam letters.

He was allowed to get messy. No one put him in timeout for playing in dirt.

He fit in as though he'd "been here all along," and was described as "such a happy child!" 

Why would I use quotations, you ask? Because the sitter/teacher keeps a daily journal of each child and his or her activities for the day, as well as things she observes and notes about him or her.

Sweet relief! Working moms, you understand, I know, what it means to have child care that makes you feel slightly less guilty about working.

He's in good hands--no, great hands. I feel less guilty. And lucky.


  1. I am so happy for you. My wife and I share a similar struggle with the situation of our three year old, Colton. It is great to hear that parents who may have shared a similar want (to have their child challenged, nurtured, and actively engaged on a daily basis) are getting their desire fulfilled. It is even better that it is happening for Will.

  2. Sweet news!!! This gave me a morning smile!
