Monday, December 5, 2011


First I would like to apologize for the terrible Debbie Downer Tearful Tina post last night.

However, I think there is something heartbreakingly beautiful and brave in mourning and sifting through emotions publicly and eloquently. And if the reader finds himself crying, more than likely he is doing a bit of emotional healing himself. 

I am sifting through emotions about my basement tonight.

You see, we signed a contingency contract yesterday. We get to build a really fabulous house if ours sells. We are so excited completely freaked that neither one of us slept last night, and we've both been up since 3 a.m., revisiting Law & Order episodes and terrible commercials à la having an infant, so it was good practice.

So as we paint and patch and repair and scrub, our basement decided to spring not one but three new leaks today.

None of these leaks are from the extensive work we did earlier this year so...score.

Leaks one and two came from previously repaired cracks in the foundation, which Greg has the means to fix, we just need everything to dry out in order to do it.

Leak three came from a bursting-at-the-seams window well, complete with swimming frog. It was like an aquarium, and made us laugh before we felt the anxiety start to build again.

All I'm asking for tonight is a little peace of mind. I think I need to go meditate. No, I am going to go meditate, calm the chitta, and sleep incredibly well (after two Tylenol PM). 

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