Tuesday, December 20, 2011


When I was in 10th grade, we sang this "Star light, shine bright" song at our holiday concert. It had amazing harmonies with the men's chorus that gave me goose bumps every single time we rehearsed.

The closest thing I can find is the "Star of wonder, star of might," line in God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, specifically the Barenaked Ladies/Sarah McLachlan version. I crank that one in my car like it's Livin' On a Prayer (and thank goodness Bon Jovi lives!).

Maybe it's just stars that I love...

On our way back from Atlanta a few Thanksgivings ago, we saw a falling star. It seemed to sprinkle across the sky, as though it were just for us. Feeling like a kid again, I wished with all my might for something that came to fruition just a few weeks later.

I don't credit the falling star for my wish. Perhaps I just manifested it--pun intended, maybe it was written in the stars. 

I'm sure I appear to be a high maintenance kind of traveling gal. I do prefer a hotel to a tent, and since I shower twice a day, it's necessary to have running water at my disposal.

But my next US dream trip involves a cabin in Montana, miles from anywhere, and a wide open sky full of stars--stars I've never seen before, stars too numerous to count.

And I'll lay there, staring up at that peaceful sky, and I'll think, "Star light, shine bright." 

Goosebumps for sure. 

What a vast universe it certainly is. 

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