Tonight's post really needs to be read through the words of someone else.
A few weeks ago, I (foolishly) clicked on a link someone had posted on facebook. It was a link to a Cincinnati photographer's blog, and it was a post titled "She went in peace."
I started reading it in the car on the way home from dinner with my parents. I had to stop.
As soon as I got home, I went into my bathroom, where I finished reading and proceeded to cry for a solid half an hour.
Now, I could partially blame hormones. I was a mess already that day because of 'em.
It was the beautiful story of this photographer's sister's last day. At the age of 31, with a ten-month-old daughter and a husband that reminded me too much of Greg, she lost her battle with a rare form of lung cancer. And all I could do was sob.
And then we picked up The Cincinnati Enquirer this morning (for the coupons, of course) and here was this woman's story on the front page. Since it's the month of peace, it is time to share.
You can read the blog that made me cry for a half an hour here (and since I just re-read it, you should know I continue to cry as I type). If you peruse the site, you'll find the letter her husband read at her funeral. I'm in no state to read something like that. Maybe someday.
You should get some tissues (maybe go to your bathroom). And then hug your kids, and your spouse, and your parents.
A beautiful life...we should all be so lucky.
I cried too. Woke up at midnight, read this, and cried real, wet tears. Unimaginable pain for the family. My prayers to all that we live a life so moving that when we pass strangers mourn.