Friday, December 30, 2011


It was October when I finally decided this little blog project would be put to rest come the end of the year. I'd tossed around continuing this segue of my journey, but I decided to make like Seinfeld and go out while people were still interested. There's more money in reruns anyway, right Jerry?

Things I hope you, dear reader, will take away from this project:

1. It doesn't take a major life event to grow and change. You do it every day. You do it every time you put two feet on the floor in the morning and hoist yourself up out of bed, because every day brings a new opportunity to grow and change--maybe it's your interaction with a new barista, or a quick text from a friend. It's your soul's path to seek out people and events that help you to become a better human being. Appreciate every smile and every tear--big and small--for pushing you to where you are today.
2. Along with that opportunity for growth, you have this phenomenal chance on a daily basis to shape your attitude. Sitting down at the end of the day and just reflecting on what was peaceful, or fun, or successful--it made me go to bed happier. Go to bed happy, wake up happy, grow happy...well, you see the cycle. If you are, in fact, a bright light (and you are), why would you dwell on things that make you dim? Shine.
3. The only person who can validate you is you. Love yourself first. Have faith in yourself. Believe in what you are doing. If you aren't currently in a position to see that you are awesome, change it.
4. This blog has been proof of this one: no matter how hard you intend and set forth and try, it doesn't always work out--but the effort you give is always enough. People won't judge you for it, and if they do, time for a life cleanse. It's not your job to "fix" people. Show them a path and let them choose. Don't be offended when they don't choose what you set forth. And then--let it go. Let it all go. Take your experience and evolve, grow, be. 
5. As you reflect on 2011 and look to 2012, and declare things to be the worst or the best, to anticipate and hope, please remember that there is no more beautiful moment than the moment that you are currently in. 

My keyboard will be silent for a bit as I await the arrival of my new blog site. It'll be pretty and fancy, and have buttons and bells and whistles. I'll be transferring all of this year's posts to that site, and once it's complete and ready to go, there will be a new place for us all to reflect and share. I hope that you will join me there when the time comes (I'm anticipating by the end of January).

I've timed this one perfectly. I hear Will stirring, and I think my New Year's dessert ingredients are thawed. With an enormous amount of gratitude and peace in my heart (and tears now stinging my eyes), thank you: for reading my words, for offering up encouragement, for being inspired and inspiring me, for sharing your intentions. 

Thank you for being a part of my journey. I look forward to continuing it with you in its new form in the new year.

At least...that's my intention.


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