Friday, December 23, 2011


We just pulled into our driveway, and through our neighbor's side door we could see her, asleep in her easy lift reclining chair, leopard Snuggie cuddled around her.

Family comes to visit every once in awhile. She's elderly, and since she had a stroke a few years ago, she struggles to move around. Occasionally the words won't form as she tells us about the squirrels she feeds. 

I made a yule log cake today. Tomorrow, I'll take her a few pieces. Maybe we will swing by Walgreen's for a new Snuggie. Maybe we will go in and visit for just a few minutes.

We all know someone like this, and it is usually this time of year that our hearts reach out, even though it should be all times of year.

Tomorrow, take just a moment to think about them. Wish for them a little bit of peace, and surely more than a little will be planted in their hearts. 

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