Sunday, April 17, 2011


Weekend of Balance...Day 1.

Good Morning, San Diego.

On our flight last night, I was reading an interview with Amy Pohler in Marie Claire. A fictitious reader asked the question, "How do you do all that you do?" Amy's response was along the lines of, that question really just sounds like, "How could you do all that you do?" As though that what we do is too much, too unhuman. And since I blogged about that here, I found myself nodding. This weekend getaway is more than just a's good food for marriage, healing for my physical body, and balance for my soul. This is how you do what you do. You give yourself the opportunity to enjoy.

So, Starbucks in hand, Greg and I started our day with a Hatha yoga class at Pilgrimage of the Heart Yoga. 

Upon arrival we reconnected with a beautiful soul named Alyssa, a high school classmate that I reconnected with through the power of facebook. It's been thirteen years since we saw her--the hug was big and long. She did her teacher training at Pilgrimage recently, and her adjustments in class were absolutely dreamy. 

We had delicious Mexican (I'm slowly learning that San Diego does not, in fact, mean "Whale's Vajajay" (my Anchorman friends get this) but instead "Really Good Burritos...Everywhere"), hugged Alyssa with heaps of gratitude, and Greg and I headed to Pacific Beach.

It hadn't occured to me to bring a swimsuit on this trip, but I could have definitely sported it today no problem. 

We took advantage of our workout gear and went for a run. Immediately followed by a nap. Jet lag is the worst. 

After an all-organic, farm-to-fork meal at a local eatery, we are calling it a night.

And I'm not lying tonight friends...I really am perfectly balanced. Sated.

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